Space Index
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AActio Rules life-cyclealert-icon-red-11.png ATTENTION: This page has been migrated to the Tazama GitHub repository and is now located at: https://github.com/frmscoe/docs/blob/dev/Product/Creating-and-Maintaining-Processors/Tazama-Rules-Life-Cycle.md https://github.com/frmsco
Arango Monitoring
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ArangoDB FullText Function Setup & Sample
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Attacks on Pseudonymisation
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CChannel Aggregation and Decisioning Processor (CADProc)alert-icon-red-11.png ATTENTION: This page has been migrated to the Tazama GitHub repository and is now located at: https://github.com/frmscoe/docs/blob/main/Product/06-Channel-Aggregation-And-Decisioning-Processor-Cadproc.md https://github.com/frmscoe/
Channel conceptual overview
Overview The Actio Financial Crime Risk Management Solution is designed to provide scalable and extensible financial crime risk monitoring and management functionality as a service to connected client systems. Channels can be implemented to allow for: Res
Channel Router and Setup Processor (CRSP)
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Complete example of a network map
{ "active": true, "cfg": "1.0.0", "messages": [ { "id": "004@1.0.0", "host": "NATS Server", "cfg": "1.0.0", "txTp": "pacs.002.001.12", "channels": [ { "id": "001@1.0.0", "host": "NATS Server", "cfg": "1.0.0", "typologies": [ { "id": "typology-processor@1.
Complete example of a rule processor configuration
A “banded” rule configuration: { "id": "006@1.0.0", "cfg": "1.0.0", "desc": "Outgoing transfer similarity - amounts", "config": { "parameters": { "maxQueryLimit": 3, "tolerance": 0.1 }, "exitConditions": [ { "subRuleRef": ".x00", "outcome": false, "reason
Complete example of a typology processor configuration
Building on the example rule configurations provided here: Complete example of a rule processor configuration Typology configuration for a typology with two rules { "desc": "Double-payment to a merchant.", "id": "typology-processor@1.0.0", "cfg": "001@1.0
Conducting an EKUTA Proof of Concept
TL;DR Introduction A transaction monitoring system is a key component of a Proof of Concept - Objectives Deployment Integration Ingress Egress Operation Detection Effectiveness Data requirements Approach Metrics Calibration Feature validation
Config-driven design
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Configuration management
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Create New Channel alert-icon-red-11.png ATTENTION: This page has been migrated to the Tazama GitHub repository and is now located at: https://github.com/frmscoe/docs/blob/dev/Product/Creating-and-Maintaining-Processors/Create-New-Channel.md https://github.com/frmscoe/doc
Create New Rule Processor
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Create New Transaction
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Create New Typology
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Creating and Maintaining Processors
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DData Preparationalert-icon-red-11.png ATTENTION: This page has been migrated to the Tazama GitHub repository and is now located at: https://github.com/frmscoe/docs/blob/main/Product/transaction-monitoring-service-api.md https://github.com/frmscoe/docs/blob/main/Product/t
DNS Monitoring
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EEntity Resolution Explainedalert-icon-red-11.png ATTENTION: This page has been migrated to the Tazama GitHub repository and is now located at: https://github.com/frmscoe/docs/blob/dev/Knowledge-Articles/Entity-Resolution/Entity-Resolution-Explained.md https://github.com/frmscoe/d
Entity Resolution Implementation
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Environment Monitoring
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GGlossaryalert-icon-red-11.png ATTENTION: This page has been migrated to the Tazama GitHub repository and is now located at: https://github.com/frmscoe/docs/blob/dev/Product/Glossary.md https://github.com/frmscoe/docs/blob/dev/Product/Glossary.md This page will
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IISO20022 and Actioalert-icon-red-11.png ATTENTION: This page has been migrated to the Tazama GitHub repository and is now located at: https://github.com/frmscoe/docs/blob/dev/Knowledge-Articles/iso20022-and-tazama.md https://github.com/frmscoe/docs/blob/dev/Knowledge-Art
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NNATS Monitoringalert-icon-red-11.png ATTENTION: This page has been migrated to the Tazama GitHub repository and is now located at: https://github.com/frmscoe/docs/blob/dev/Technical/Logging/NATS-Monitoring.md https://github.com/frmscoe/docs/blob/dev/Technical/Logging/
OOperating Scenarios Backgroundalert-icon-red-11.png ATTENTION: This page has been migrated to the Tazama GitHub repository and is now located at: https://github.com/frmscoe/docs/blob/dev/Knowledge-Articles/Pseudonymisation/Operating-Scenarios-Background.md https://github.com/frmscoe
PPoCsProcessor results propagation alert-icon-red-11.png ATTENTION: This page has been migrated to the Tazama GitHub repository and is now located at: https://github.com/frmscoe/docs/blob/dev/Product/processor-results-propagation.md https://github.com/frmscoe/docs/blob/dev/Product/proces
Product Overview
What is Tazama Tazama is an Open Source solution built to support any Digital Financial Services Provider (DFSP) that requires Transaction Monitoring. Whether that DFSP is a small provider running one or 2 transactions per day or a national payment switch
Pseudonymisation of customer data
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Pseudonymisation Policies
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Pseudonymisation Techniques
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RRule Processor Overviewalert-icon-red-11.png ATTENTION: This page has been migrated to the Tazama GitHub repository and is now located at: https://github.com/frmscoe/docs/blob/dev/Product/rule-processor-overview.md https://github.com/frmscoe/docs/blob/dev/Product/rule-processor
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TTazama Real-Time Transaction MonitoringTazama_Logo_Transparent.png 🕑 Recently updated You'll see the 5 most recently updated pages that you and your team create.
Test Data
Change log 2022/03/17: Updated post-NiFi test files to include changes made in and Transformations Each ISO 20022 transaction message that is ingested into Actio flows through the following processes/processors which each may introduce some transformation
Transaction Aggregation and Decisioning Processor (TADProc)
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Transaction Monitoring Service API
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Typology Processing
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